DC Motors

The electric motors of direct current have significant importance in the development of servo mechanisms and, for that reason, their improvement, both with respect to the development of models and the identification of their parameters, deserves an estimable attention. DC electric motors have a high cost of production and, in addition, for the distribution of electric energy to occur, it is necessary to have a DC source, or rather a device that converts alternating current to DC enerpac.

Depending on the use, the drives in DC motors are usually the ones with the greatest benefits, also in terms of reliability, user-friendly operation and dynamic control. On the other hand, this type of drive has some disadvantages, such as high cost, great need for maintenance and special measures to start. The working principle of electric motors is based on the forces of electromagnetic origin which are the results of the interaction of the magnetic fields produced by two types of windings, the coils. One winding remains static on the motor stator and the other is the rotating part (rotor) that rotates next to the motor shaft.